We provide sod for landscape contractors, golf courses, sub-divisions, builders, athletic fields, direct to homeowners, & more!
Sod for Athletic Fields
in Michigan
Sod for Baseball Fields, Football Fields and more!
Michigan Athletic Field Sod
In a 2008 survey of all professional football players (1,565 total responses), 71% responded that they preferred to play on a natural grass field. The athletes felt artificial fields were more likely to cause injuries, soreness or fatigue, shorten their careers, and have a negative impact on their life after retirement.

In our daily lives we are constantly asking other industry professions their honest opinion – Doctors, Lawyers, Scientists, Dieticians, Environmentalists, and more – so at DeBuck’s Sod Farm we take these professional athlete’s opinions seriously. These industry professionals feel natural grass is best for their sports career, and we recommend you use our sod for a uniform playing surface.
At DeBuck’s Sod Farm we have the products, services, and connections to help you renovate or build an athletic field to rival the pros – even if it will be featuring your favorite amateur. Our office staff will help you select the best sod variety for your use and a fleet of semi-trucks available for delivery we can get your football, baseball, or soccer field from dirt to grass in a day.
The Highest Quality Seed Blend
- Our Kentucky Bluegrass sod starts with the highest quality seed blend; we use similar varieties as the sod recently planted in Comerica Stadium at Michigan State University.
Kentucky Bluegrass is ideal for many athletic field applications due to its ability to heal traffic wounds with its vigorous rhizome system. It also has a rich dark green appearance to make your field pop and look camera ready. The mowing range, between 1” and 3”, fits most sport turf requirements.
Park managers might also consider our drought tolerant Turf-Type Tall Fescue. It is a hardy grass that can withstand heavy traffic due to its fibrous leaf blade. It is a lower maintenance turf than Kentucky Bluegrass for areas where irrigation is an issue.
Our Tall Fescue sod has been genetically selected for its knitting capability with rhizomes, similar to Kentucky Bluegrass. It actually has the ability to fill in damaged areas, a new feature in the sod industry for this turf type.
The rich organic soil we grow the turf in has worked well on past athletic field projects – no reports of any future drainage issues.

Experienced & Knowledgeable
- We have experience and knowledge from our history of providing sod to high school football fields, soccer complexes, college baseball fields, and municipalities.
We know we can get you the sod you need, when you want it because we have done it before and are professionals. Our educated office staff and dedicated delivery drivers will make sure you get the service you desire. We have three of our own delivery trucks and the capability to harvest over 2.25 acres in a day.
We also work closely with a handful of experienced installers that can handle a large scope of work and we would be happy to connect project managers with qualified industry professionals. We have worked with a lot of installation companies and can help you find a company that matches our quality and service.
We have been growing sod since 1956 and that is what we do best.

We Are The Professionals In The Sod Industry!
- Not only are natural grass athletic fields safer, more aesthetically pleasing, and better for the environment they can also be less expensive to maintain.
Artificial turf fields need to be top-dressed each year, have disinfectant applied, and require grooming after games, paint, seem repair, and more. Contact us at 810.653.2201 for a copy of “Natural Grass and Artificial Turf: Separating Myths and Facts,” a 32-page booklet that can help your school or municipality plan the next step in building or renovating a professional level athletic field.
DeBuck’s Sod Farm is the professional in the sod industry and we will use our experience, trusted research, and dedication to service to develop your ideal sports field. Make sure your athletes are safe, healthy, and enjoying a natural playing surface.
DeBuck’s sod is uniform, weed-free, lush, & dense.