We provide sod for landscape contractors, golf courses, sub-divisions, builders, athletic fields, direct to homeowners, & more!
DeBuck’s Sod Farm
Products & Services
Growing Quality Bluegrass Sod Since 1956
How To Order
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DeBuck’s Sod Farm | Products & Services
At DeBuck’s Sod Farm, we strive to grow the best sod Mother Nature allows, and then provide our customers with top notch service. We have an office staff to assist your needs and a fleet of trucks to deliver your sod fresh and fast.
We sell sod to landscapers, contractors, and nursery centers, as well as directly to homeowners. Our fleet of trucks can deliver to your home or job-site with a handy piggyback forklift or you can pick up at our farm in Davison during business hours.
Delivery orders have a choice of our standard farm pallet with deposit, or our push-off service where sod is mechanically unloaded from the pallet.
We spend over 12 – 18 months growing and taking care of the sod before it is harvested. We choose the best seed varieties, prep the soil, eliminate the weeds, fertilize, water, and mow the sod to ensure it provides an instant lawn.
Scotts® ProVista™ Kentucky Bluegrass
Significantly reduces mowing time and cost, excellent shade performance, complete and easy weed control.
• For a small premium per square foot, you can reduce mowing time and cost by at least half compared to conventional grass.
• Easily combat weeds, without damaging turf due to glyphosate tolerance.
• Beautiful green, uniform, dense appearance.
• Reduced inputs and reduced mowing emissions: stays green with less fertilizer
and herbicide.
• Excellent shade quality. Less stretching in shade means more energy to
maintain density.
• Backed by Scotts® – With 150 years of experience,
Scotts® brings unbeatable support for turf
establishment and success.
Technical Specs:
Scotts® ProVista™ Kentucky Bluegrass is a proprietary blend of kentucky bluegrasses engineered to perform comparable to turf enhanced by growth regulators without any chemical applications needed. A marker used in the breeding process results in glyphosate tolerance.
Premium Kentucky Bluegrass Sod
Premium Kentucky Bluegrass Sod
Our premium Kentucky Bluegrass Sod has a lush, dark green color, with a medium width leaf blade, and performs best in full to part sun, with fertilized soil and moderate watering. It has a medium to high traffic tolerance and self repairs damaged areas with rhizomes. Kentucky Bluegrass is the most widely used, cool season turf-grass, and is well suited for lawns, athletic fields, golf courses, and other general purpose areas.
Technical Specs:
Standard Sod Roll: 10 sq ft, 2ft by 5ft, 20-30 lbs Kentucky Bluegrass Sod: uniform blend of 4 varieties – seed tags available upon request.
Tall Fescue Sod
Our Tall Fescue Sod can handle a variety of soil conditions and excels at withstanding hot, dry weather. It also has the highest wear resistance, and our new turf-type variety also has root knitting capability. Leaf blades are coarser and taller than other lawn turfs, but Tall Fescue Sod creates a lawn with less inputs and lower maintenance. Tall Fescue is also shade tolerant and drought tolerant. Tall Fescue Sod is ideal for roadside restoration, sports turf, parks, and other low maintenance areas.
Technical Specs:
Tall Fescue Sod: uniform monostand of spreading, turf-type No Net Tall Fescue.
Tall Fescue Sod
Fine Fescue Sod
Fine Fescue Sod
Our Fine Fescue Mix Sod is ideal for a well drained, shady area. It is also drought tolerant, handles acidic conditions, and is low maintenance. Our mix incorporates several varieties of Fine Fescue, as well as a small percentage of select Kentucky Bluegrass for mixed sun areas.
Technical Specs:
Fine Fescue Mix Sod: 90% blend of Red Fescue with 10% compatible Kentucky Bluegrass.
Sod Quality Seed
Our Sod Quality Seed is perfect for matching to our sod since it is the same premium seed we use to grow the sod. We 100% recommend a starter fertilizer application at the time of install. For your convenience, we sell it at our farm, or can bring it with your sod delivery. If you are installing sod on a steep slope, secure it with our 7.5″ wooden sod stakes. Place the stakes on the top two corners and pound them in flush. There’s no need to remove them; they decompose over time.
Sod Quality Seed

Additional Ordering Information:
- Our sod comes in rolls that measure 2 ft x 5 ft (10 sq ft)
- Pick up orders can be customized in 10 sq ft increments
- Delivery orders can be placed in 100 sq ft increments
- Sod is cut FRESH to order each day, so please order one day in advance for pick-up
- Delivery can usually be scheduled 2 – 3 days in advance